Topic: Failures
Phone startup Nextbit has stopped production and is selling its assets – Recode (Jan 30, 2017)
Chalk another one up to either the Hardware is Hard or Android is Hard narratives (I’ve tagged this against both). Another Kickstarter-backed hardware company which had an intriguing approach to an established category and got lots of interest from tech bloggers and reporters calls it quits and gets bought by a bigger existing hardware player. I was always skeptical on Nextbit – it just didn’t feel like its few unique features and design were enough to overcome the massive barriers to entry that exist around scale, distribution, and dominant existing players in the Android market. I can’t say I’m surprised to see it fail, though it’s disappointing because the team had some interesting ideas and the design was definitely more interesting than your average phone. Razer seems an unlikely buyer – this Recode piece says the group the Robin team is going to has been focused on gaming, so it doesn’t sound like we’re going to get a Razer phone from these guys anytime soon.
via Recode