Eyeballs Are No Longer Enough for Netflix – WSJ (Jan 17, 2017)

This piece is largely speculation – there’s no evidence presented that investors are impatient for Netflix to start churning out bigger profits or reducing its cash burn. Rather, those investors seem to understand that rapid international expansion at the expense of short-term profits is key to longer term success for Netflix, because it drives much faster overall growth and helps spread the cost of content over more users. Netflix’s domestic business is already very profitable on a contribution basis, while its international business is profitable on the same basis in some markets. Growing and getting past the early high investment in customer acquisition in other international markets should put Netflix in the black there too. Netflix definitely does need that growth – at the rate it’s increasing content spending, it has to grow revenues to stay ahead of costs – but on balance I’m fairly bullish about Netflix’s ability to make its strategy pay off.

via Eyeballs Are No Longer Enough for Netflix – WSJ

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