New Narrative: T-Mobile is Winning in US Mobile (May 6, 2017)
When I launched this site fully earlier this year, there were 49 “narratives” reflecting many of the prevailing narratives about various aspects of the tech industry, which provide context for the individual items on the site each day. Today, I’m adding the first new narrative since launch, and the narrative is titled “T-Mobile is Winning in US Mobile“. Now, it’s worth noting as a reminder that the narrative titles don’t reflect my views, but rather the prevailing narratives in the industry, whether right or wrong. Subscribers can read the new narrative essay on this topic and my evaluation of the prevailing narrative on the narrative page linked above. I’ve also gone back and tagged 26 earlier news items with this new tag so that there’s a history there now, including several posts from the last couple of weeks, with many of the older posts available to non-subscribers as well. As with each of the other narratives, there’s also a forum topic for anyone who’d like to discuss the narrative and the essay, available to subscribers here. Lastly, this narrative also forms the subject of this week’s Narrative Video, which subscribers can also see on the narrative page.
The company, topic, and narrative tags below will take you to other posts with the same tags. The narrative link(s) will also take you to the narrative essay which provides additional context behind the post.
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